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Thriller/ Horror/ Sci Fi 2023
70 mins

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1 disc Bluray $20.00 plus $4.00 S&H (Please allow 2-4 weeks to ship, U.S.A only, no refunds/returns)

Scientist Craven discovered an alien invention by alluring four adults to his science lab experiment for a cash prize only to discover his invention was for an everlasting transformation.

October 21, 2023

Stream it on Detaron TV

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Rent It on Vimeo:


Rent on Amazon Soon


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Deuandra T. Brown
Character: Gia
Director/ Writer/ Producer

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Autumn Noel
Character: Alice

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Milena Saboya
Character: Jill

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Yakov Kolontarov
Character: Ryan

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Fargo Arizona
Character: Ted


Victoria Marie Ortiz
Character: Kelly

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Mireya S Brown
Character: Emily


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Omari Washington
Character: Wes

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Character: Bella

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Alicia Morris
Character: Rose


Eric Viruel
Character: Model

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Ben Gabriel
Character: Steve


Pascale Bushaw
Character: Model


Jazmyne Plantillas
Character: Diana

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Character: Model

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Jeanetta Fields
Character: Lisa

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Ashley Griffith
Character: Jessica Allen


Zhylaia Edwards
Character: Model

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Enedina Michel
Character: Linda


Deuandra T. Brown...
camera operator

Jaden Lane...
camera operator

Victoria Marie Ortiz
assistant camera

Christina Taylor...
assistant camera

Terrified, Apology and The Creeps 

written by Michael Trapp

performed by CrimsonFaced

Alive, Glow, 911, and So Mob 

written and composed by Deuandra T. Brown

performed by Deuandra

AstroMode and Dig His Grave 

written by Buttonz

performed by Buttonz

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